October 23, 2020

How Spiritually Prepared Are You?


"Brace Yourself" is the prophetic watchword for this specific time in our history.  This warning is coming frequently in dreams and visions and prophetic words to the people of God.  Christians at every level of service to the Body of Christ are spreading the alarm they are receiving in their spirits. If you are at all in harmony with your spirit, then you can discern that Evil is increasing on the earth -- and we can certainly see it on our streets. Men's hearts have grown cold. Lawlessness and sin abound. Love for each other is diminishing; our differences fuel the hate this is increasingly evident. The Enemy of the children of God is getting ready to mount his final campaign against us as he plots to defeat Almighty God.

We know this because the Bible tells us so. When asked by His Disciples what it would look like at the end of the age, Jesus replied, Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death, and you will be hated by all nations for my name's sake. And then many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another. And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold.

This pretty much describes our relations with China, Russia, North Korea, Iran and countries around the globe. And if you are unable to see that it illustrates our national crisis, then I'm afraid you're being naive.  I know there are counter voices in the Christian culture that promote the religious message that Revival is on the way. And we should most definitely pray and intercede that recognition of God will reawaken in our land, and impassioned worship will sweep the nation. It is imperative that we do these things. But it is also wise to prepare for what Jesus most emphatically prophecies as our future. And I'm afraid "the Church" doesn't want to hear that message.

We, in America [as products of the Western/Greek mindset] rely on what I call our "religious bias". We are partial to our 21st Century theology which emphasizes God's Grace and Mercy through the sacrificial act of Jesus on the Cross. We have been saved from our sins, we tell ourselves, therefore the doom and gloom Old Testament prophecies of Isaiah and Ezekiel and Jeremiah regarding the End of the World are mitigated by the New Testament Atonement of Christ. 

And the Church points to the Book of Acts as proof of what faithful Christians on fire for the Gospel of Salvation can do in the world. Modern Christians point to the promise of eternal life in Heaven as our destination, and ignore the persecution that each of those founders of the Church suffered in their lives. The Bible tells us that we will be regarded as "sheep to be slaughtered". The early disciples certainly experienced that. They were boiled in oil, crucified upside down, beheaded, stoned and clubbed to death, burned alive, sawed in half, and suffered many other forms of cruel death. Disciples of Christ have been martyred ever since. So, I must ask the difficult question ... are you prepared to suffer such tribulation?

I get it ... none of us want to suffer. And I'm afraid that we American Christians live our lives under the comforting words of the Declaration of Independence --- that we are entitled to "Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness", as a right given to us by our Creator. But that document does not supersede either Scripture or the words of our Savior, both of whom promise that suffering is guaranteed in this fallen world; and will increase as we near Christ's return. And as we see the rebellion against God and His principles on the rise, we must expect, as His followers, that we will be treated as His Son was treated. Are you ready for that kind of persecution?

When I first began writing this blog in 2011, my spirit knew changes were coming to our country, and I felt called to warn people to prepare for the physical trouble and hardship that was coming, while clinging to Jesus and growing a deep relationship with Him. Ultimately, I warned, He will be your answer. But we needed to come out of our normalcy bias that "everything would always be okay, because we are America!" Well, here we are nine years later, and everything is not okay. In fact, we are in very real danger of losing what America has been all about. More than just lack of food and shelter, we are now facing threats to our lives because of our political alliances and the color of our skin. We are losing what this nation has always considered our "God-given rights". And we are failing to recognize that an Anti-Christ spirit is invading our land; a spirit that hates God and holds in derision all that He has created -- the unborn child, marriage, gender, race, law and order. And soon this spirit will exhibit his hate for those of us who are called by His Name.

Are you ready for the persecution that will swiftly follow? Are you ready to lose your job; be hated by your family; rejected by society; imprisoned for your faith; and yes, to be martyred? If you think it can't happen, just look at the lives of our fellow Christians around the world. Jesus, Himself, prophecies it! And I worry that far too many Christians will stumble and be unprepared to pay the cost of being a follower of Christ. We must strengthen our faith and prepare to carry our own cross, just as Jesus did. We must be prepared to lose everything!

Sadly, the Church has given lip-service to this concept and shied away from confronting believers with the hard truth that suffering and tribulation will be our temporary circumstances before Jesus's return. We have fallen for the messages of false prophets such as Darby and Scofield, who wrote Bibles promoting a Pre-Tribulation Rapture. This doctrine has certainly led people astray, and it was never spoken of by Jesus. Yet, many in the Church choose to believe this false theology, which is only 200 years old, rather than the Word of God spoken by our Lord and Savior 2000 years ago! 

I am being honest when I say that I fear for my fellow Christians. I don't want them to be surprised or in shock when the promised persecution comes. And it will be far worse than anything we have witnessed to date. I want them to be strengthened to endure and persevere during what is coming, and to keep their eyes and hearts and spirits focused on the One who will ultimately deliver us. I want them to be able to reinforce the faith of our fellow Christians who will falter during the satanic oppression, and at the same time, be prepared to share the Good News of Salvation and God's Kingdom on earth with those who have never heard. I want them to be prepared to declare Jesus Christ even when the sword is at their breast. I want their spirit to rise up in their identity as warriors for the Kingdom, even when their flesh is weak. I want them to be sure of who they are, and just how great is their God, so that even in the midst of persecution like the world has never seen, they will be known for their faith. 

I desire all this for the Body of Christ, and I desire it for myself. I have no great illusions that all Christians will meet this test. But I pray that the Remnant, however large or small it is, is even now preparing itself in all these matters. I pray they see through the dirty veil that the Enemy has placed over the physical eyes of my fellow believers, and that they see clearly [with spiritual eyes] the truth of what Jesus spoke. May God Almighty strengthen us and fortify us to meet the coming tribulation, and may we serve Him with courage and spiritual might, knowing that because we will endure, we will be saved. Thank you, Lord Jesus, that You have given us Your Word of Truth so that we might not be caught unaware; so that we might train and equip ourselves to be ready when the Evil One comes against us at the end of this age. Amen.

Luke 21:36   But keep alert at all times [be attentive and ready], praying that you may have the strength and ability [to be found worthy and] to escape all these things that are going to take place, and to stand in the presence of the Son of Man [at His coming].




  1. Excellent article and consistent with sound theology. Keep up the good work Pam. I know sometimes you may feel like few people are listening, but we still must be spokesmen of the truth. I applaud your understanding of the farce of pre-tribulation rapture, which most Christians are desperately relying on instead of preparing themselves spiritually for the persecution that is at hand. I'm fearful we will see extreme disillusionment among the believers, and as the scriptures teach, many will fall away. Nevertheless, I encourage you as my sister in Christ, along with your husband, to continue fighting the good fight.

    1. Thank you so much for your words of encouragement! As I've mentioned in the past, there have been times that I have asked God, "After 9 years, do You still want me to publish this blog? Am I still being of service to You? How many people are really finding this page in the midst of all the social media censorship?" And I am still hearing that as long as one person receives understanding or support from what I write, that it honors Him and there may be one more who needs to hear what the Spirit prompts me to write. So, you don't know how much it means to receive a reply like yours. Bless you!

  2. Hi Pam,

    I too agree with anonymous in his comments. I too really appreciate your blog and all you share. I think there is probably more people reading your blog than you know. They just do not comment! I believe the persecution is coming more quickly than some believe it will. I pray that God will watch over and protect us from those who wish us harm. I trust in HIM and HIS WORD. Thanks again for all that you do. May God bless you and your husband.

    Your friend,

    1. Thank you, Lisa! I so appreciate those who have stuck with me through the years, as the Lord has led me on this journey and unconventional path. I really don't worry about the number of people who read it, and I don't need words of adoration, but when you take the time to comment, it confirms that I am writing what my spirit is hearing from God, rather than writing for my own glorification. Thank you!
