April 4, 2016

Could ISIS Be Anointed By God?

     Now, before you think I've gone completely off my rocker, give me a chance to explain my train of thought.  I've recently written about the Temple of Baal (or Bel) that will soon be replicated in Times Square, the heart of New York City, and in London.  I spared no words in recounting its significance in regards to idol worship in the ancient world.  I also related that this ancient temple was destroyed by ISIS last summer.  The most recent news in the last few days is that Syrian forces have liberated the ancient city of Palmyra and recaptured it, with plans to rebuild much of the ancient artifacts and archeological sites.
Palmyra prior to ISIS
     I suspect much of the world will hail this as a victory and in the best interests of man's archeological heritage.  But is it?  I want to expand on some thoughts that have occurred to me since July of last year, and just keep pricking my spirit.  I can't help but look at this situation through the lens of my Biblical worldview.  And to do that, I need to take some time to share a specific perspective with you; it's a fascinating story from the Old Testament, and one that I think casts valuable insight on God's purpose in all things.
     Remember the story of Cyrus, King of Persia, who conquered Babylon and allowed the Jews to return from captivity to their homeland and rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem?  Well, as fantastic as this sounds, apparently it was not out of the ordinary for Cyrus.  An excellent post on Cyrus, found at a website called ChurchOfTheGreatGod.org, reports that King Cyrus, as was his policy, allowed his vassal states to retain their cultural and religious identities. He advanced funds for the repair or restoration of public buildings, particularly temples and shrines, and he reversed the Babylonian policy of forced relocation of conquered peoples, allowing their descendants to return to their ancestral homelands.
     What you might find utterly amazing is that God used King Cyrus, to move forward his plan in history.  In fact, God calls Cyrus, His "anointed".  Yes, you read that correctly!  He explicitly says in Isaiah 45:1-3:  "Thus says the LORD to His anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have held—to subdue nations before him and loose the armor of kings, to open before him the double doors, so that the gates will not be shut: ‘I will go before you and make the crooked places straight; I will break in pieces the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron. I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places. . . . I have raised him up in righteousness, and I will direct all his ways; He shall build My city and let My exiles go free, not for price nor reward,' says the LORD of hosts."
     I can hear shocked Christians right now, exclaiming, "But how can a King of Persia, whose country would become a stronghold for Muslims in future centuries, be God's anointed?  First of all, we need to broaden our understanding of what the word anointed means.  The Hebrew word is mashiah, which has come down to us as "messiah" and translated as christos in Greek. Because we now use this term exclusively for Jesus Christ, the Messiah, many of us Christians fail to see its broader application.  Mashiah simply means "anointed" or "anointed one."  At its most basic, mashiah indicates a person God authorizes and sets apart for His service.... regardless of their faith, ethnicity, or background. And the type of service an anointed one might render can vary. Besides being in the service of God, he might fulfill more than one role in his service; but his primary function is to cause deliverance.  You can see how Jesus fulfilled all three of those facets of an anointed one.
     So the question becomes "Why did God raise up a Messiah, or Anointed One, like Cyrus?  The answer is found in the continuing verses of Isaiah, Chapter 45:  "[God will work through you, Cyrus,] that you may know that I, the LORD, who call you by your name, am the God of Israel. For Jacob My servant's sake, and Israel My elect, I have even called you by your name; I have named you, though you have not known Me. I am the LORD, and there is no other; there is no God besides Me. I will gird you, though you have not known Me. I am the LORD, and there is no other; I form the light and create darkness, I make peace and create calamity; I, the LORD, do all these things" (verses 3-7).  Very simply, God raised Cyrus up to do His bidding to prove to him and all the world who is the true God! God went before Cyrus, paving the way for his victories and policies so that His will and His plan would move forward.
Palmyra, after ISIS
       So, now I return to my original question, posed in the title of this blog post ... Could ISIS be anointed by God? If we use the criteria that the Bible lays forth regarding the prerequisites for an anointed one, I would say, in one sense, YES!
     (OBVIOUS CAVEAT:  The atrocities and barbaric acts of murder against Christians and non-Muslims is obviously not an act of service to God.  But remember, God is Sovereign, and He is capable of using even evil people to carry out one or more of His purposes.  In this instance, I am only looking at ISIS's acts of destroying ancient temples to idols.)
     And here's how I got there .... As I have pointed out in past blog posts, Palmyra was the site of some of the world’s most valuable Roman-style ruins, including 2,000-year-old towers and temples; among them the Temple of Baal (or Bel), which was the name of the supreme god worshiped in ancient Canaan and Phoenicia, and the Temple of Baalshamin, dedicated to the Canaanite sky deity Baalshamin.
     But last year, in its takeover of the city, ISIS blew up both structures, along with the famed Arch of Triumph, which was constructed under Roman rule during the late second century, calling them monuments to idolatry --- which they were!  In case you need convincing, here is some interesting information about the Temple of Baal:  It was known as the temple to the Sun God.  And if you are a student of Biblical and ancient history, then you know that there were many names for the Sun God throughout the pagan cultures.  Some of them are Ra, the sun god of the ancient Egyptians; Apollo, the sun god of the ancient Romans; Helios, the sun god of the Greeks; Mithras, the Iranian and Persian sun god ... and I contend that they are all names for the same spirit of rebellion that existed in the man Nimrod.
     The great-grandson of Noah, Nimrod is the prototype of a rebellious people, his name being interpreted in Hebrew as "he who made all the people rebellious against God".  As you can see by the various cultures and ethnic groups who worshiped the Sun God in his name, he led many peoples into rebellion against the One True God and into idol worship.
     Now, the modern world is lamenting the destruction of the ancient Temple of Baal, the temple of Sun God worship, in Palmyra, Syria.  And I'd like you to get a picture of what worshipping there must have been like to the pagans, as described by Amr Al Azm, a professor at Shawnee State University who served as the director of the Center of Archeological Research at the University of Damascus from 2003 to 2006:  "You would attempt to go and visit the temple at dawn [before it was damaged]. And on the east face, as the sun rises, it would eventually reach that point where, even though it was dark around you — you were surrounded by stone walls — the sun would touch a particular point on the window, and it was like someone switched on a thousand lights. The whole building would light up instantaneously."  He goes on to say, "Unfortunately, we will never be able to experience that again. That’s how significant the loss is, as far as I’m concerned."
     But might I suggest that ISIS got it right?  That it is actually a "monument to idolatry".  And might I further propose that by destroying it, the Muslim jihadis were actually in service to YHWH, liberating that area of the ancient Middle East from a centuries-long fascination and reverence to a false god?  Remember, as in the case of Cyrus, (whom God makes it very clear, did not know Him), God can use whomever He desires to move along his plan in history.  Perhaps God is tired of our interest and preoccupation in preserving these ancient temples of idolatry, and so He put ISIS, who certainly does not know Him, into service to destroy their very foundations.
     And what does the world plan to do?  To rebuild them, of course!  Or, at least in the instance of the Temple Baal, erect duplicates of them in New York City, London, and another 1,000 cities around the world --- all in the name of defiance to ISIS.  But, can you clearly see that, in reality, it is in defiance to YHWH?
The destruction of pagan statues
     And there is another aspect that I want to briefly touch upon before I end my hypothesis.  I will admit that the connecting dots are still a little fuzzy in my spirit, but I can't help but feel there is something here that we need to pay attention to.  The "recapture" of the ancient city of Palmyra from ISIS was conducted by Syrian forces, assisted by Russian troops and airstrikes.  And now the world is incensed by the destruction of the temples and the looting of the artifacts, and archeologists from around the world are rushing to the site to help reconstruct the ancient city.  Is this part of the multiple roles that ISIS could be playing in their service as God's anointed?  Could they be drawing the nations of the world to this area to preserve the treasures of idolatrous worship?
     The world's elite mourned when ISIS ransacked and burned the Mosul Public Library, destroying more than 8,000 ancient and rare books and manuscripts, calling it "cultural genocide"; an attempt to destroy an ethnic or religious group's customs, including its languages, traditional practices and ways, religious institutions and objects, and clergy members, academics, and intellectuals.  I admit that it is difficult to see God wanting the history of whole peoples wiped out.  But what if those histories, and art, and traditions, and religious practices honor gods and ways that are not of Him?  Could we then see the possibility that God could authorize ISIS to serve Him by destroying what He considers idolatry?  Even if they declare a hatred for Him and those who follow Him?
     I know!  It is hard to wrap your head around it, but throughout the Bible God used unbelievers to execute His plan for the world.  All we have to do is look at how He used Pharaoh to liberate His people from their bondage in Egypt; how He used Nebuchadnezzar to take the Jews into captivity in Babylon because of their continued disobedience, yet placed Daniel in their midst to prophecy of the return of His remnant; and how He used the Persian King Artaxerxes to allow Nehemiah to reintroduce His law to the Jews returning to Jerusalem.  And in the New Testament, the Apostle Paul often worked through unbelievers to carry out God's will and purpose.
     We must remember that He is Sovereign and Immutable ... He never changes and it is often His way to use unbelievers to execute His will.  It is not up to us to question or reason why.  I am not here to suggest that I know God's mind or that my hypothesis is even plausible.  All I'm saying is that I see idolatrous temples being destroyed and the world's desire to rebuild them.  Can we truly say it is all out of a sense of preserving cultural history?  Or is there something more diabolical happening underneath it all?  Keep your spiritual radar turned on and up!

 Isaiah 45:9-10    “Woe to the one who argues with his Maker—
one clay pot among many.  Does clay say to the one forming it, ‘What are you making?’ Or does your work say, ‘He has no hands’? How absurd is the one who says to his father, ‘What are you fathering?’ or to his mother, ‘What are you giving birth to?’ ”


  1. I am so glad that I had "bookmarked" your site, Belle I love your writings. Your Isaiah writing was also filled with much discernment and food for thought. And "NO", you are not off your rocker. ISIS is truly just a "puppet" and an instrument in God's great plan of salvation for all the world in these last days. I weep without ceasing for every lost soul. And until it's all over, I'll just keep toiling His soil while planting and watering to anyone who will listen. I would "like" you on facebook, but the lil' audience that is on my path would not be able to understand your "mature" feedings. Yet, I will come back for more feedings, Lord willingly. Till then, may He cause His face to shine upon thee as we serve.

    1. Thank you, Sally! Don't you just love how the Lord is revealing Himself to those who earnestly seek Him and wish to serve Him in these Last Days? And we must all remember that as that time nears, we will be ridiculed and maligned ever stronger as the world searches out the ways and the wiles of the Enemy to make them feel "comfortable" and "secure" in their own fleshly desires. It's nice to know you're out there!

    2. Yes, please read my response on that particular blog post and my correction as well as my reasoning. Although Cyrus was not technically a Muslim, there is definitely a connection between the Persia of his time and the Persia today (Iran).

    3. Good article Belle. I heard a sermon by Ravi Zacharius on prejudice. That the Pharisee's were so caught up in prejudice they couldn't see the authority or power of Christ. Your article showed me I suffer from the same pitfall. That ISIS couldn't be used by God. I wasn't seeing the whole picture. Thank you for your Witness. Ben

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yes indeed I agree as well :D

    There is also written that the most of waters eill become as blood in the last day and as many part as get involved of that poisoning of the waters will become distroyed the human beings as well! I feel so sorry and very often I am weeping and crying and praying for those poor people who did believe the lies of Devil (Lusiferus as he is called as well by the name of Satan or Sathan)... But there is the promise that all the people all over the World will get their opportunity to be saved! There is possibilities to do choise the salvation (2-3) times during all of their life... So many people do not agree and they feel hate against Adonai YAHUAH the only Alahyim (lord the Father the only god as Christians use to speak about Him...as I did before I got to know what those names do actually means :D) I agree both of you my sisters... May His love and Mercyful blessings be upon you and with you and all of your beloved!!! Thank you for your boldness to tell the truth! Thank you that you ARE SEEKING all of the truth and deal it here in G plus! Good night now, I must take my rest for I need to go yo my study unit in University tomorrow...

    1. Thank you for your heart-felt testimony and your willingness to stand and be bold for our Lord and Deliverer! And thank you for your encouragement!!!

  3. The huge part of the Waters will become poisoned by the happening of the Space... And as huge part of the people will be killed by drinking that water. That is also said in The Bible! Yahusha (Christen call Him Jesus/Iosos...so sad lie by Catholic Church about 400 years ago!!) Yahusha has promised to us that we will not die if we are drinking something poisoning if we do bless it!!! So let's do not forget the "thanksgiving" to Our Heavenly Father (YAHUAH is Saviour =Yahusha) Yahuah because of sending THE Saviour Yahusha Ha Mashiach) Ha means The! I do agree with you in all, only those names I have now learned to speak correctly... I am sorry if this hurts you as Christians. I want to tell the truth as well, because He said in Psalm 118 I do help Her/Him because He knows MY NAME!!! May His Holy Spirit (Ruach Ha Qadosh) Bless you (Baruch/Barak you) mightily indeed. May His Grace and beautiful lovely Mercy and Peace be upon you and with all of your beloved. Thank you for sharing this all... Good night for now... I will take my rest now because I will go to my study Unit in University after 5 hours from now :-D

  4. As I read this my heart ticked to a quicker beat! Why.....because what you wrote is exactly what my thoughts were over this. Mentioning this to most people would put me on the "out there" list, so again, I haven't said anything up to this moment. I'm just glad to know that I'm not alone in what I'm being led to acknowledge. Sometimes I question my thoughts, feelings I get, but when I read your words and you give Biblical information, which I just read again recently, it just shines through all the more. Thanks again as always for your faithfulness to God and sharing your belief and the wisdom God gives to all of us who are hoping to stay on the straight and narrow and to hopefully share with those who want to listen and be one of His.

    God Bless......

    1. Lisa, as I have shared before, I truly believe that He is revealing to a Godly remnant the information we need to know to prepare for what is soon coming. I am just a broken vessel that He has chosen to use and I always pray for discernment to make sure that it is YHWH that is the source of my thoughts. And I am blessed to hear from those, like you, who share my unique position in God's Kingdom on earth. May He continue to trust us with His revelation as He unveils His Truth for these times. God bless you!

  5. Belle, Lisa is like so many of us who can discern the truth and plainly see how God works. He will use everything to his end. Even Satan himself is in use as the "adversary" in Gods plan. Jehovah Sabaoath means Lord of host. Host in this case means all order of heavenly beings both good and fallen. God has no problem using a fallen being to his end,but this is uncomfortable to the mainstream church. Study M.Heisers work on Divine council gatherings in Deut32;7-8. And what about the being who volunteers to be a lying spirit to King Ahab to seal his fate. Come on church its time to jump in the deep end and move off the chocolate milk and on to some real meat. I for one am ready to see some real spiritual warriors start to step upend join this spiritual bar fight against the fallen ones.Actually Im finding it kind of rewarding (even fun in some regards) to smash these worthless Belial beings with Yeshuas authority. Dont get stuck in your doctrine and theological boxes because we need you on the battle field. Keep swinging for the fence Belle!! PLW

  6. Right off the bat I am seeing a major discrepancy... can anyone tell me how can Cyrus be a "Muslim" when Islam did not come into existence more than a couple of centuries later?!

    1. Yes, I did not do a good job on explaining my position. Although Cyrus was not technically a Muslim (you are correct in your historical dates), there is definitely a connection between the Persia of his time and the Persia today (Iran). I failed to make that clear in my article.

  7. BR,Wanna know what gets my goat? These Mega church people. Its bad enough that two thirds of the non believing world has to be saved but now we have to go out and save more than two thirds of the so called "believing Church" When more than half of the church wants to ride instead of help push, then I know we are in trouble. I love the way your brain works;it makes me really think about how God works and who he can and will use. Mrs Belle, You scare me a tad with where you force me to think or look but I know God is using your mind and pen mightily. I guess I just need to think about some of these topics a bit before I can see how the almighty is working his plan. I had no idea that freemasonry was so powerful and evil but when I started looking into it on my own I found the Bible is very clear about serving one master and about oath taking in general. Im embarrassed to have had this right in front of me and my family and we never saw it as a work in progress by Satan. Thanks for all you do Belle Ringer.

  8. Belle- Why doesn't the church look at itself and ask "Why don't we do what they were doing in the book of Acts? Why don't we head out with authority and power to do what Philip was doing? This has always baffled me. We are given examples, modeling and authority and yet we can't find it in our own meddle to leave our fear or thinking or the security of our church or doctrine to do or receive these spiritual gifts. We would almost rather die than submit to something supernatural even if it could help us or someone who needs our help. Just wondered if you had an opinion on this issue. Im keep running up against churchiosity and its starting to take its toll. The secular ,non believers are almost easier to save than the pew people? What gives?

    1. I believe that we are actually living out what the Bible says in the Book of Revelation ... the church today is the Church of Laodicea and is lukewarm... neither hot nor cold, and bending to the whims of the culture. And what does Jesus say He will do? Spit it out! The Church is unable to look at itself because it has compromised and believes the lies of the Enemy! They look through a mirror that is distorted with deception and cannot see that they are following the ways of the Prince of this world. There are churches and pastors that do not believe in spiritual warfare or the living power of the Holy Spirit. Do they really think that those demons under the power of Satan in Jesus's day just decided to leave after He was crucified? That they just disappeared to let us live in peace and joy for the last 2000 years? Just look around at the abortion rate, the attack on Biblical marriage, and the lust and perversion and greed... then tell me that there isn't a spiritual battle to wage! Jesus did not leave us defenseless! So why are we acting like it? It saddens me to know that we have been rendered powerless by our own ignorance! Take the Bible as God's Truth -- which it is -- and BELIEVE what it says: We will do the things that He has done and do them even greater, for He goes to the Father (and sends us the Holy Spirit) - John 14:12. What did our Lord do? Shared the Gospel message (that God loves us so much He is willing to send His Son to die for us); He cast out demons; and He healed the sick. I, for one, am willing to embrace that Truth!

  9. "The world’s elite mourned when ISIS ransacked and burned the Mosul Public Library, destroying more than 8,000 ancient and rare books and manuscripts, calling it “cultural genocide”; an attempt to destroy an ethnic or religious group’s customs, including its languages, traditional practices and ways, religious institutions and objects, and clergy members, academics, and intellectuals."
    This “cultural genocide” is necessary throughout the earth to establish the New World Order as is prophesied in our Holy Bible. As you said, "Or is there something more diabolical happening underneath it all?" The answer is yes. . . . coming to a city near us all. . . .

    1. Yes! If the world knew what really happened at the Temple of Baal in ancient times, they would see its replication in our modern culture.... we can try to fool ourselves that things have changed and we're more advanced, but the influences of Lucifer are every bit as prevalent.

  10. King Cyrus , was not muslim. Islam is only 1400 years old. And mahamod spoke of 2 different peoples pertaining to The Jews( People of the Book) and Christians( The people who followed The Way).

    1. Please refer to my answer to this discrepancy in the above comments: "Yes, I did not do a good job on explaining my position. Although Cyrus was not technically a Muslim (you are correct in your historical dates), there is definitely a connection between the Persia of his time and the Persia today (Iran). I failed to make that clear in my article." I have since changed the article, if you have read it.

  11. God bless you abundantly Belle,you are truly a servant of Jesus,your humility is greatly appreciated and admired.As followers of Jesus we are not perfect in all our ways,even though we desire to be "we are simply justified as a result of receiving the gift of Gods love" Maranatha !!!

    1. Thank you, Don, for your encouragement and your gracious words. God Bless you!
