January 3, 2015

And The Light Shines In the Darkness ...

     Today's post is going to seem in start contrast to yesterday's, but it is actually the reason that I wrote about blessings yesterday.  The thoughts for this post actually came first, and I had to fight to overcome the pessimism that was engulfing me.  I'm going to be honest ... Ive been having a hard time writing lately.  I find myself questioning if I am still serving my Lord, or you, with this blog.  I want you to know that I listen for God's whisper as to what to write about; what is it that He wants us to hear at this time and this place in world history.  There are days it is disturbingly quiet; I can't seem to connect with Him and I can't hear His voice.
       Don't get me wrong; I still look for the blessings that I wrote about yesterday.  In fact, I need to consider them more than ever, because I am finding myself feeling uncharacteristically pessimistic at the beginning of this new year.  It doesn't seem like a time for false words of celebratory cheer, or for proclaiming the benefits of a fresh start and new beginnings.  Rather, from my Biblical worldview, this new year feels as if new gates and doors are being opened to a darker future.  And it feels as if a nefarious force is coming at us faster than we can comprehend.  Do you feel it, too?
     In just the past week, the stories from across our country threatened to overshadow the joy of Christmas celebrations; from a call to assassinate police officers, to the strange and exceedingly powerful weather conditions, to the looming flu epidemic that has seen children dying at an unprecedented rate.  The stories from around the globe are even more depressing: plunging oil prices threaten to destroy the world's economy and hasten a World War; the growing concern that ISIS will begin systematically attacking Europe and the U.S.; the open and horrific persecution of Christians; and the escalating hostility towards Israel are just a few concerns that keep me from thinking that 2015 will see any significant improvement over 2014.  (And why it is all the more important to refer to yesterday's post!)
     I know I shouldn't be surprised.  I know that I am to watch for the signs and times of my Lord's return.  And I know that I'm not the only one who thinks the clues that God has given us in His holy book are occurring before our very eyes.  My mind can contend with the societal adversities, the abrupt weather changes, and the diseases.  But when they are all combined with undisguised Evil, hatred of Christians, and a growing threat against Israel, then my soul informs me that these are extraordinary times.
     There is a growing collaboration among nations, and it is fueling a unified hatred of Israel.  After the UN Security Council failed this past week to approve a Palestinian resolution that would have called for Israel to withdraw from Palestinian territories by late 2017, the leader of Hamas was the keynote speaker at an annual government meeting in Turkey.  When Turkey, a member of NATO, and a once-important (and moderate) US ally, invites and embraces a terrorist organization leader's call to "liberate Jerusalem together", then it could represent an important "clue" in the Bible's prophecies.
     Consider these facts:  Prime Minister Erdogan has been steering Turkey away from Western influences, and towards stricter Islamic values.  With the help of the West, primarily the U.S., Turkey has built one of the largest armies in the Middle East.  The Prime Minister of Turkey joined in the Hamas-led shouts of ‘Allahu Akbar’ and their call for an invasion of Israel and the capture of Jerusalem.  Taken all together, could these events be the precursor that gives rise to Satan's drive for the control of the Temple Mount?  And does the fact that Harper Collins excluded Israel from an atlas scheduled to be delivered to Middle Eastern schools seem calculated and deliberate?  Apparently it was, as a company spokesman released this statement:  Including Israel would have been “unacceptable” to their customers in the Gulf and the amendment incorporated “local preferences”. It is obvious that the "preference" is for Israel to be non-existent!
     Then there is the fact that immigration rates in Israel are hitting all time records.  The numbers of Jews from France and the Ukraine have tripled; they are escaping growing anti-semitism and wars.  At the same time, emigration from Israel is on the decline.  The prophets of old predicted that God's people would be gathered from all the countries and brought to their homeland.
     Perhaps you do not see things as I do; that these events do not announce a move towards darker times.  I have honestly tried to disregard what my heart feels, because I know it can be deceitful and untrustworthy.  But this sense of coming trials and troubles refuses to be dismissed.  I find myself praying to be delivered from these dark thoughts and asking how I am to respond, and requesting words of encouragement to give you.  I wish I could tell you that the weight has been lifted from my  heart, mind, and soul; and that my mood is brighter and God spoke comforting words in my ear.  I wish I could ...
     And so I must rely on my faith.  For I know that I cannot succumb to this melancholy or these gloomy reflections.  I know that God has not given me a spirit of fear; that He who is in me, is greater than he who influences world affairs.  I know that I cannot stop the wars, the disease, and the cruelness of man against his brother.  But I do know that I, along with you, can reflect God's light into the darkest corners of this depraved world.  I am aware that each day is an opportunity to do something for someone else and lighten their load.  I can ask God to strengthen my faith, and I can exercise the power and authority given to me through the Holy Spirit to remove the whispers of the father of lies.
     The only sovereignty I will accept is the Divine Love of the One who created me for His good purpose.  And I will concentrate on fulfilling that goal for His glory.  I may not be able to look upon a new year in this decaying world with any sense of joy and jubilation, but with every breath I can do this ... I can cling to the Hope and Promise for the new beginning that will be my Lord's Kingdom on earth.  That will be a day worth celebrating!

Isaiah 60:1-2   "Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the Lord will arise upon you, and His glory will be seen upon you."




  1. Bless your heart. Yes, times are getting darker and things are unfolding that make us want to shrink away, but our (Christian's) time of influence is growing short and we must continue to be a light and share the hope that we have in Christ with those who have no hope.
    All of these things that you have mentioned above are the prophecies unfolding before our eyes. The fact that Turkey is turning against Israel - I never would have thought this about 10 years ago and yet the Gog Magog prophecy speaks of Turkey being a part of the coalition to come against Israel. I even remember thinking - not Turkey - that can't be. But then I never thought I would see the day that the government of the United States would turn her back on Israel and yet look what we have today.
    Also, you mentioned all of the Jews returning who have been dispersed to so many different countries. This is fulfillment of Ezekiel 37 - the dry bones - their graves were their dwelling places in other nations. They are not really living unless they are in the promised land as God intended. They must come back to their land for the final chapter to take place.
    Unfortunately, all of this darkness has to happen, all of this evil must unfold. We have been privileged to be born at such a time as this. We can be a great influence. When things get especially hard, things that we don't understand, things that involve children (is my struggle) - we must cling to the Lord and encourage one another.
    Your blog has been an encouragement to myself and other believers. Thanks so much for seeking the Lord before you write and for the time that you invest each day.

    1. Thank you for your kind and knowledgable words! Yes, I see the prophecies unfolding before our eyes, and I recognize them for what they are. I am just weary of the failure of so many to see and hear what God is trying to tell us. Some days it is hard to encourage when I feel the need to warn, as well. I just want to be faithful by listening and sharing His words, not mine.

  2. I just wanted to let you know that I thoroughly enjoy your daily thoughts. Please continue to share! I frequently forward these daily inspirations to others.
    Also, I do not have access to Outlook. Can you give us your email address so we can write you via another email program? Thank you.
    Please keep up the good work!!

    1. Thank you for the encouragement! You can email me at belle@salvationandsurvival.com.


  4. Dear Belle,

    Thank you so much for your encouraging words. Your article could have been written by me. This is how I have been feeling since the new year knocked on the door. I have just felt like staying in bed and pulling the covers over my head. I have been hearing the prophetic voices of our God for a while and try to reach as many people I can with the Gospel and God's truth through His word. I am tired...so many just dismiss the truth. So many do not believe in Biblical prophecy. Yet...I discovered your words this morning. I know this was the Holy Spirit's leading. I have never read your blog. God is mighty and unceasing. He bought a challenge to me last night to help a young couple who had just shown up as I walked out of a restaurant. They were scared, hungry, dirty, and trying to get to California by hitch hiking. I could have sent this couple on to our church down the road because this is what they were asking me about....but I kept hearing a small voice say to me...."what will you do, you know the church is closed this late". I did not want to do anything! I just wanted to send them down the road, yet, I listened. I asked one of our friends who were with us, who happens to work at the church if it would be open. She said no, but she gave them a card for the church's phone number. However, as we spoke, my husband and several other friends who were with us came over and the next thing I knew we are taking this couple to a hotel and getting them some food. Who knows whether they will use what we gave wisely....this is up to the Lord. I tell you this, because as I read your blog today....I saw this "action" not as a gift to the homeless couple, but a GIFT to ME!. God was speaking to me. He was saying, don't give up, keep on serving and speaking for Me. I thank the Lord that He directed me to your article and my eyes were open. May the Lord continue to speak through you, even when you think you can't hear from Him. Praise His Holy and Precious Name! May He return soon!

    1. Valerie,
      Your comment gives me such hope and encouragement! You see, I know that God is ever faithful and He never abandons us, so why do I listen to the lies of the Deceiver? I am amazed at how God is able to reach us -- through the still, small voice that will not let go of us, and through each other. I hear God through your testimony and He is telling me to take my eyes off myself and my worries (sins!) and look, first to Him, and then to others to see how I can serve them by imitating our Lord.
      I want nothing more than to keep the Lord at the center of my life, but like you, this world too often pulls my focus away from Him. Yes, we are all tired of speaking the Word into our families and communities, and seeing no apparent fruit. But, just like your efforts with the homeless couple, we must do what we can in the service of our Lord, and then let the Holy Spirit take over. I'm sure you slept better that night than you have in a few days. Hang on to that ... you not only experienced the joy of serving another, but the peace of God working through you. No matter what the world throws at us, we know that He can use us for His purpose. Thank you for sharing your testimony and may God continue to bless you for His good will until the day He returns!

  5. You are experiencing birth pains, you do know the way these happen, I know you know. I think most of us who are awake are experiencing them as well. It is difficult to look ahead with optimism. I have these same feelings when I look into 2015, I don't see anything cheerful except I know the coming of the Lord is closer. Mark 13:13 And ye shall be hated for my names sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. You must endure, you are a beacon of light in a very dark world. There are few beacons of light left and that makes your beacon even brighter! We must all endure to the end, but isn't eternity in heaven with God worth it? Yes it is! Enduring to the end is a small price to pay for the treasures of heaven for eternity. Do not turn off your torch, turn it up brighter! God is with you and so is the remnant. There are so many lost souls out there in the darkness in these times and your beacon may be the only one they find. Stay strong sister in Christ! Pound that keyboard even harder!

    1. Your words are such an encouragement and so full of truth! I have no doubt that I will overcome and endure, because God resides within me. I know that I cannot relinquish the task that God has given me, and I know that it is His light that will shine forth from my words ... He will sustain me, guide me, and provide every good word to empower others to keep their beacons shining forth into this dark world. And when my flesh is troubled and weak, He sends the Body of Christ to lift me up and steady my feet upon His path. Thank you and God bless you!

  6. Hi Belle,

    yes, the endtime is here but luckily - as He also said in His word - He will not let us alone, but tell us what He will do, before it actually comes.

    ... and yes, by far not all Christians are aware of the times in which we are

    The Lord told me once, really aloud, which happened to me so far only once, but He gave me quite some dreams concerning thigs to come or to do by me:

    "From today I am toltally your God" ( 12. 4. 1998) This was confirmed by my wife with John 4:26 - because I thought I were 'day-dreaming'.

    And this is certainly not only for me but finally for ALL Christians

    I always find this message from Domma Wasson as well calming as encouraging:


    Blessings to you and all readers - Michael

    1. Thank you, Michael, for your reconfirming words that Christ will not abandon us and will guide us through the times to come. He is our Rock, our Fortress, and our Deliverance.

  7. Hey, Belle

    This piece was spot on for me, as if you've been reading my mind over the last 10 years. You are not alone, for sure. There are plenty of brother and sisters walking with you, in prayer and in service. Always good to know we can call on His word, that He will never leave us or forsake us, that nothing can separate us from His love....

    As far as the church being so wimpy and lukewarm, well, that's their worldly choice on display; and, yes, it bites that they've come so close only to pull a Lot's wife redo, not wanting to completely leave Sodom behind. Most of my earthly family is following that same walk. They're just not completely willing to let go and let God. They're holding on to this life, their "powerless" religions and new age spirituality and it's deceptions and before we know it, the wedding door is going to be closed with them on the outside. And I know that saddens you, for it certainly saddens me. But just think how much it saddens our Creator! He's so patient with us that it just blows my mind. Can you imagine if it was up to you or me! All those torturing and killing our brothers and sisters through-out the world over... Well, you know what I'm saying....preaching to the choir....

    Anyway, thank you for being one of His bright lights, thank you for being mighty in His strength. You're simply amazing....
    Your bro' in Him, Greg
    In Colorado as it is in Heaven...

    1. Greg, I have been astounded at the responses that this blog post has garnered. I wrote it simply because I had to unburden my soul and be honest with anyone who might read it. And God has blessed me in my weakness, showing me not only His mercy but His Sovereignty. His remnant has made their voices count and I have heard them loud and clear. And I pray for continued strength to speak His truth and feat the schemes of the Enemy. We must all remember that Victory is ours through the blood of our Savior. Thank you for taking the time to comment, and being a voice in the wilderness.

  8. Hello, Belle.

    May God richly bless you in your honest testimony.

    Look up, for your redemption draweth nigh. Stand with Jesus Christ and trust what the Bible says. Walk according to the Bible, by faith. What you describe, explain and see is sadly, but gladly true. Sadly because of the terrifying evil. Gladly because Jesus will soon return for us.

    According to the Bible and the events happening now, the signs of the end are rapidly converging. We are in the birth pangs.

    The US' decline is according to the Bible's silence about her. The endtime events cannot be fulfilled with America as a dominant world leader.

    As wickedness is multiplied (as you observe,) most mens' love will grow cold--and this is happening.

    Bobmbshell (there are many, I know.): It is possible to identify the beginnings of the harlot described in Revelation. Sadly, the Holy See invited a Muslim imam to hold an Islamic worship there. That is irreconcilable with the Bible's teachings. (n.b. I'm neither Catholic nor anti-Catholic, but do disagree with a number of their doctrines.) I sadly report this, referring the reader to associated news articles for confirmation.

    The Bible says the Devil will come down, with rage because he knows he only has a little time left. Yes, it will get worse. MUCH worse. Men's hearts will fail them.

    Having done all, stand. If we are still here when the Beast makes war against the saints, ON YOUR ETERNAL LIFE, DO NOT TAKE THE MARK of THE BEAST! That's ETERNAL 2nd death=HELL. There's been debate about the rapture's timing for ~2000 years, and the warning about the mark in Rev 14 is there for a reason.

    Look up, watch, for Jesus comes like a theif in the night. Keep your robes clean (live in holiness) and look up for your redemption draws near.

    God bless you in the name of our savior and kinsman-redeemer, Jesus Christ.

    -Gordon Wood

    1. Thank you, Gordon, for your truthful words. I know everything you have related to be God's Truth from His Holy Word. And I hate those moments when my flesh is weak and the Deceiver is able to break through my spiritual armor. It only last for a moment in time, but even that is a blessing because it drives me to my knees, seeking my Savior ... and He's always there! I could keep those moments of despair to myself, but I know that other faithful believers are feeling them, too, and I want them to know they are not alone. Also, it gives the Body of Christ an opportunity to be heard, and to encourage each other. In the end, it all glorifies YHVH and that is always my goal. God bless you for sharing such gracious encouragement!

  9. The Spirit in me agrees with the Spirit in you. YHVH gave me a love of the prophetic word when I was very young. I am reminded of the passage where John eats the scroll and it is sweet on his tongue and bitter in his stomach. As the dark days unfold before our very eyes... it is truly bitter and turns our stomachs. BUT, we must focus on the sweetness... our knowledge that our reunion with our Lord... Savior... Bridegroom... King Yeshua is fast approaching. So come, Lord Yeshua!

  10. I am encouraged to find that so many are in agreement of the "season" we are in! It doesn't make what we are seeing upon the earth any easier, but it gives us hope for our deliverance from it. I feel our Savior is readying for His ride!

  11. Hi Belle

    Wow, spot on. I became fully aware of what's going on in the world about 3 years ago and you nailed every feeling and thought I've had since then. It is encouraging to know that there are others who live in the light.
    I pray for the people of the world but I can never shake the feeling that so many are lost. I get so mad at satan for stealing God's children, but in the end, He will have the last say.
    All we need to do is keep on praying and setting the example. I pray that you and your loved ones may be blessed with fearlessness, strength, love, protection and everything else that comes from the Lord. Jesus is King.

    Ps. I will sign up for your daily mail.
    God bless

    1. I rejoice in the outpouring of faith and fellowship because of this post! We must keep on encouraging each other. Thank you for your admonition to keep praying and setting an example. God Bless you!

  12. Habakkuk 3-17-19
    17 Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls:
    18 Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.
    19 The Lord God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds' feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places.

    1. Thank you for this word of encouragement! He is my Rock and my Fortress, my Deliverer. And one of my favorite verses is Proverbs 18:10: The name of the Lord is a strong tower and the righteous run to it and are safe. Bless you for bringing forth His Word!

  13. I think we are all feeling the sadness of the Spirit, that so many reject the Truth. I have been feeling the same way as you and encourage you, that your blog is helpful for many believers to know they aren't alone in this difficult time. It is becoming harder and harder not only to find a good church but to find other Christians who are aware of the times. Many don't want to think of prophecy and so I feel sort of isolated unless I read posts like this , to know there ARE others out there like me. Thank you for being honest and encouraging.
